
A community of hyperlocal social media content creators

Redeem exciting FREE deals and offers in your city!

Connect with local businesses and amazing brands, create inspiring content and get rewarded with free food, products, vouchers and much more…


Social Media Micro Influencers Singapore
Instagram Graph

Have 1000 followers or more on Instagram?

Join the community now and redeem exciting free deals!

Support our local businesses with your content and shoutouts whilst discovering new brands and places !


Tokotown Creators

Have 1000 followers or more on Instagram?

Join the community now and redeem exciting free deals!

Support our local businesses with your content and shoutouts whilst discovering new brands and places !

Google Play Button
App Store Button


Download the APP, register and authenticate your account.

All accounts are subject to verification and approval at our sole discretion. This is to provide the best marketing value to our merchants.

Navigate the feed of offers and redeem the deal you like.

Receive your product/service/experience, create your post according to the brief and share your link.


1- Download the APP, register and authenticate your account.

All accounts are subject to verification and approval at our sole discretion. This is to provide the best marketing value to our merchants.

2- Navigate the feed of offers and redeem the deal you like.

3- Receive your product/service/experience, create your post according to the brief and share your link.

Meet our creators

Use the Tokotown Creators App to explore new locations in your City!

Enjoy free products, services

& experiences

Redeem online vouchers & discounts at various locations and websites.

Become brand advocates by creating shareable and genuine content.

Ready to get creative?

Download the Tokotown App and start redeeming deals.